Flexible Assembly Company

     Laboratory of Production Lines and Image Recognition

  Model administrator:
     Ing. Adam Březina
     Ing. Milan Tkáčik
     Bc. J. Kontuľ

     Kybernetika s.r.o.


Brief description of the model

  • fully automated model of a production line
  • covers all five layers of the distributed control system
  • consists of five posts
  • the production line model uses five types of technological interfaces: Ethernet, DeviceNet, FireWire, AS-i, ProfiBus


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Mechanical design

  • L32E CompactLogix control system
  • three-axis manipulator driven by three-phase stepper motors in two axes; the third axis is pneumatic
  • one small and two large conveyor belts driven by three-phase motors
  • the line is integrated with an industrial robot Mitsubishi RV-2SDB
  • gray scale camera Guppy F-503-B, connected to a PC through FireWire
  • KEYENCE CZ-H35S optical color sensor with KEYENCE CZ-V21AP evaluating instrument
  • warehouse is permanently installed with 24 positions
  • View 600 color touch panel allows local visualization
  • the line includes a number of pneumatic actuators, inductive, resistive and optical sensors

Description of the Flexible Assembly Company (FAC):

  • FAC consists of 5 positions shown in the figure and described below
  • the FAC is required to assemble a product out of 4 different parts (base, bearing, shaft, cap) according to a specific order
  • camera system uses an image recognition application to determine the position of the base on the small conveyor belt
  • the information system collects and evaluates orders, determines the production plan, allows stack tracking and FAC analysis
  • the operator is able to control and manage production through local and remote visualization
    • Description of posts

      • Conveyor: moves pallets between posts
      • post 1: the base, which is randomly ejected onto the post, has its position detected by the camera and the coordinates are sent to the PLC
      • post 2: Mitsubishi robot reads the position of the base from the PLC, picks it up from the belt and puts it on the pallette
      • post 3: rotary manipulator inserts the bearing from the tray into the base
      • post 4: rotary manipulators insert the rotating shaft and next the cap inside the bearing, the latter are transported from the stack by turntable
      • post 5: three-axis manipulator stores the finished product in the warehouse

      Interfaces connections of FAC:

      Using the model in pedagogy

      • courses

      • Distributed Control Systems (1st grade master degree)
      • diploma theses

      • PAPCUN, Peter: Control of robot integrated in flexible production line.
        (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2011
      • KAČMÁR, Matej: Application of dynamic image recognition system for production lines.
        (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2011
      • KRAJČI, Tomáš: Design and implementation of information system for flexible assembly business.
        (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2012
      • LINKESCH, Pavel: Design and implementation of management system for flexible manufacturing system.
        (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2012
      • JADLOVSKÝ, Igor: Design and implementation control of Flexible manufacturing system using PLC.
        (supervisor: prof. Ing. Ján Sarnovský, CSc., consultant: Ing. Matej Čopík) - 2012

      Using model in the research

      • dissertation theses

      • ILKOVIČ, Ján: Modeling and diagnostic of manipulating and robotized systems
        (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2012 (in preparation)
      • ČOPÍK, Matej: Methodology for the design and implementation of production lines with to optimize production time
        (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2013 (in preparation)
      • PAPCUN, Peter: Modeling and optimization of robotic and technological production lines
        (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2014 (in preparation)
      • publications

      • 2011
          ILKOVIČ, J. - ČOPÍK, M. - KAROĽ, T: The assembly line model at Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence. In: SCYR 2011 : 11th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice : proc. - Košice : FEI TU, 2011 S. 373-376. - ISBN 978-80-553-0644-5. (AFD)
      • 2012
          PAPCUN, P. - ČOPÍK, M. - ILKOVIČ, J.: Control of robot integrated in flexible production line. In: Electroscope – online časopis pro elektrotechniku, 2012, number II. ISSN 1802-4564,(ADE)
          ILKOVIČ, J. - PAPCUN, P.: Material flow in Flexible Assembly Company. In: SCYR 2012 : 12th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice: proc. - Košice: FEI TU, 2012 S. 177-180. - ISBN 978-80-553-0943-9. (AFD)
          KRAJČI, T. - ČOPÍK, M - JADLOVSKÝ, J.: Návrh a realizácia informačného systém pre flexibilný montážny podnik In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice. - Košice : FEI TU, 2012 S. 141-144. - ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6
          LINKESCH. P. - ČOPÍK, M - JADLOVSKÝ, J.: Návrh a realizácia manažérskeho systému pre flexibilný montážny podnik In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice. - Košice : FEI TU, 2012 S. 149-153. - ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6
          JADLOVSKÝ, I. - ČOPÍK, M - SARNOVSKÝ, J.: Návrh a realizácia riadenia flexibilného montážneho podniku PLC automatom / Igor Jadlovský, Matej Čopík, Ján Sarnovský - 2012. In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice. - Košice : FEI TU, 2012 S. 107-110. - ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6