Light system

     Laboratory of Technological Process Control (V144)

  Model administrator:
     Ing. Peter Papcun

     Students of DCAI, FEEI, TUKE


Brief description of the model

  • basis of the light system is measurement of the light intesity of the regulated bulb by the photoresistor
  • bulb and photoresistor are located into light tunnel
  • by moving the upper wall of the tunnel the parazite light can be feed to the photoresistor
  • model has its own internal power supply but can be feed also externally
  • values can be obtained from the analog or digital output or even from the luxmeter
  • there is also LCD display which shows actual bulb voltage



System identification

  • there are several ways to identify the system
  • necessary measurements can be otained by:
    • computer connected to the laboratory card
    • computer connected to the PLC

Light system control

  • system can be controlled by the computer connected to the laboratory card or by the PLC
  • control by the computer and laboratory card with the means of dicrete PI regulator:

Using the model in pedagogy

  • bachelor theses

  • PAPCUN, Peter: Realization of closed control circuit of the lighting system
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc., consultant: Ing. Juraj Chovaňák) - 2009
  • LACIŇÁK, Lukáš: Analysis and design of the light system model
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc., consultant: Ing. Juraj Chovaňák) - 2009