Laboratory setup for connecting sensors into the DCS ALICE - CERN infrastructure

     Laboratory of project ALICE's experiment

  Research team:
     doc. Ing. Jadlovský Ján, CSc.
     doc. Ing. Jadlovská Anna, PhD.
     Ing. Jadlovská Slávka, PhD.
     Ing. Kopčík Michal
     Ing. Oravec Matej
     Ing. Čabala Ján
     Ing. Dominik Vošček


Brief description of the model

This research model is solved within project Experiment ALICE on LHC in CERN : Study of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities

Project status: Basic research

Research and development field: Nuclear and sub-nuclear physics

Responsible researcher in FEEI - TUKE: doc. Ing. Jadlovský Ján, CSc.

Research is focused on three areas:

  • control of pixel detector
  • HIC (Hybrid Integrated Circuit) development for acquisition and processing of ALICE detector signals
  • control program modules development for DCS communication infrastructure

Contract no. 0222/2016 on a grant of financial resources for co-financing of the research and development project for ALICE CERN:

Project presentation:

  • Windows of CERN fully opened II (november 2015) - presentation TU
  • Meeting of the SR and CZ Technical Universities Departments of the Automatization, Cybernetics and Informatics(september 2016) - presentation TU

CERN DCS infrastructure

Infrastructure of the modules of the evolving DCS:

Technical and software facilities

  • 1 PC - OS Windows 7
  • 1 application server (FRED) - OS Scientific Linux SLC 6
  • 1 Oracle database server - OS Windows Server 2012
  • 2 Arduino Uno
  • 4 Raspberry Pi (ALF) - OS Raspbian
  • 1 Raspberry Pi - OS Raspbian + 7" TFT LCD-Touch-Display
  • WinCC OA 3.11
  • Oracle database
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015

Using the model in the education

  • solved bachelor thesis

  • TKÁČIK, Milan: Realization of a Part of a DCS with Use of DIM and OPC UA Communication Protocols for High Volume Data Acquisition and Processing in ALICE Experiment
    (supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2017

Using the model in the research

  • solved dissertations

  • Ing. KOPČÍK, Michal: Vytvorenie metodiky pre diagnostiku senzorických systémov v rámci distribuovaného systému riadenia so zameraním na mobilnú robotiku
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2017 - in progress
  • Ing. ORAVEC, Matej: Metódy a prístupy nedeštruktívnej diagnostiky dynamických systémov
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovská, PhD.) - 2018 - in progress
  • Ing. ČABALA, Ján: Metodika procesu multikriteriálnej optimalizácie výrobných liniek
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2018 - in progress
  • Ing. VOŠČEK, Dominik: Hybrid Models of Cyber-Physical Systems and their Application into Distributed Control Systems
    (supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovská, PhD.) - 2019 - in progress
  • Publications

  • TU CO?