Brief description of the model
This research model is solved within project Experiment ALICE on LHC in CERN : Study of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities
Project status: Basic research
Research and development field: Nuclear and sub-nuclear physics
Responsible researcher in FEEI - TUKE: doc. Ing. Jadlovský Ján, CSc.
Research is focused on three areas:
- control of pixel detector
- HIC (Hybrid Integrated Circuit) development for acquisition and processing of ALICE detector signals
- control program modules development for DCS communication infrastructure
Contract no. 0222/2016 on a grant of financial resources for co-financing of the research and development project for ALICE CERN:
Project presentation:
- Windows of CERN fully opened II (november 2015) - presentation TU
- Meeting of the SR and CZ Technical Universities Departments of the Automatization, Cybernetics and Informatics(september 2016) - presentation TU
CERN DCS infrastructure

Infrastructure of the modules of the evolving DCS:

Technical and software facilities
- 1 PC - OS Windows 7
- 1 application server (FRED) - OS Scientific Linux SLC 6
- 1 Oracle database server - OS Windows Server 2012
- 2 Arduino Uno
- 4 Raspberry Pi (ALF) - OS Raspbian
- 1 Raspberry Pi - OS Raspbian + 7" TFT LCD-Touch-Display
- WinCC OA 3.11
- Oracle database
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Using the model in the education
solved bachelor thesis
- TKÁČIK, Milan: Realization of a Part of a DCS with Use of DIM and OPC UA Communication Protocols for High Volume Data Acquisition and Processing in ALICE Experiment
(supervisor: doc. Ing.Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2017
Using the model in the research
solved dissertations
- Ing. KOPČÍK, Michal: Vytvorenie metodiky pre diagnostiku senzorických systémov v rámci distribuovaného systému riadenia so zameraním na mobilnú robotiku
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2017 - in progress
- Ing. ORAVEC, Matej: Metódy a prístupy nedeštruktívnej diagnostiky dynamických systémov
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovská, PhD.) - 2018 - in progress
- Ing. ČABALA, Ján: Metodika procesu multikriteriálnej optimalizácie výrobných liniek
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Ján Jadlovský, CSc.) - 2018 - in progress
- Ing. VOŠČEK, Dominik: Hybrid Models of Cyber-Physical Systems and their Application into Distributed Control Systems
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovská, PhD.) - 2019 - in progress