Ing. Peter Suster
Dissertation Thesis Topic
- Design of Efective Software Tools for Control and Analysis of Nonlinear Systems
Areas of Interest
- Modelling and analysis of the nonlinear dynamic systems
- Nonlinear methods of the synthesis using classical methods and methods ofo the artificial intelligence
- Programing and algorithms (Matlab, Simulink, Toolboxs, C++, RSLogic)
Bachelor Theses Consultations
CABALA, Jan : Program modules for solving of the algebraic and differential eguations with using for modelling of the economic processes
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2012
KUNDRAT, Stefan : Application of the MPT Toolbox for modelling and control of the nonlinear systems
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2011
KAJKO, Milan : Program design of the application modules of solved examples in the Matlab language for subject of Simulation systems in Bussines Informatics
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2011
HNATKO, Maros : CPM and PERT methods in project management
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2011
Master Theses Consultations
KAJKO, Milan : Numerical optimalization in economic applications
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2013 (in preparation)
BENETIN, Martin : Education program modules for analysis and synthesis of the models of physical systems
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2012
POPRIK, Lukas : Program modules for regression analysis and reliability in modelling of economic processes
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2012
PILC, Pavol : Methods and algorithms of the linear programming for solving the assignment problem
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2012
KUNDEK, Tomas : Web education modules for simulation and control of the physical systems using the technology .NET
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2011
Final theses
Dissertation Prospectus: A contribution to the methods of analysis and synthesis of nonlinear dynamical systems
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Jadlovska, PhD.) - 2011
Diploma (Master) thesis: Multiple model adaptive control
(supervisor: doc. Ing. Anna Filasova, CSc.) - 2009
SUSTER, P. - JADLOVSKA, A.:Application Results Identification
Based on Genetic Algorithm in Nonlinear Control Design of
Magnetic Levitation System. In: Electroscope, 2013, num. I. ISSN 1802-4564.
SUSTER, P. - JADLOVSKA, A.: Modeling and Control Design of Magnetic Levitation System, In: Proceedings from 10-th IEEE Jubilee International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics SAMI 2012, January 2012 Herlany, Slovak Republic, Obuda University, Budapest Tech., CD-ROM, pp. 295-299, ISBN 978-1-4577-0195-5
SUSTER, P.: Nonlinear Control Design of Robot Arm. 2012. 1 CD-ROM :
In: SCYR 2012 : Proceedings from conference : 12th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers :
May 15th, 2012, Herlany, Slovakia. - Kosice : TU, 2012. - ISBN 978-80-553-0943-9. - S. 188-191
SUSTER, P., BENETIN, M., JADLOVSKA, A.: Design and simulation of control for Magnetic levitation model : [electronic source]. 2012.
In: Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Kosice. - Kosice :
FEI TU, 2012. - ISBN 978-80-553-0890-6. - S. 250-256
SUSTER, P., JADLOVSKA, A.: Tracking trajectory of the mobile robot Khepera II using approaches of artificial intelligence / 2011.In: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica. - ISSN 1335-8243. - Vol. 11, num. 1 (2011), s. 38-43.
SUSTER, P.: Design and simulation of control for nonlinear model Ball&Beam, 1 CD. In: SCYR 2011 : 11th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers of FEI TU of Kosice : May 17th, 2011 Herlany, Slovakia. Kosice : FEI TU, 2011. - ISBN 978-80-553-0644-5. - S. 270-272.
SUSTER, P., JADLOVSKA, A.: Neural tracking trajectory of the mobile robot Khepera II in internal model control structure / - 1 CD. In: Process Control 2010 : 9th International Conference : June 7 - 10, 2010, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic. - Brno : Tribun EU, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-7399-951-3. - P. C153a-1-C153a-13.
SUSTER, P.: Intelligent tracking trajectory design of mobile robot, , 1 CD. In: The 10th Scientific Conference of Young Researchers at FEI TU of Kosice, Kosice, Slovak republic, May 19th, 2010, Kosice, Slovakia. - Kosice : FEI TU, 2010. - ISBN 978-80-553-0423-6. - S. 344-347.